Mass Update
Update one or more fields of the selected queryset to a common value and/or apply a
_ to selected field.
validate | use instead of obj._default_manager.update. Slower but required in some cases (To run some business logic in save() and clean(). Manadatory if use :ref:transform_operations |
unique_transaction | .. versionadded:: 0.0.4 |
use instead of obj._default_manager.update. Slower but required in some cases (To run some business logic in save() and clean(). Manadatory if use :ref:transform_operations
Ignore Fields
It is possible to prevent some fields to be displayed to avoid changes.
To filter out some fields you need to set UPDATE_ACTION_IGNORED_FIELDS
settings parameter as follow::
'app_name': {
'user': ['is_staff', 'is_superuser'],
Transform Operation
Is possible to update fields applying function. |app| comes with a predefined set of functions.
You can anyway register your own functions <register_transform_function>
common to all models
set | set the value |
set null | set the value to null (only available if the field has null=True |
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upper convert to uppercase
lower convert to lowercase
capitalize capitalize first character
capwords capitalize each word
swapcase swap the case
trim remove leading and trailing whitespace
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add add the value passed as arg to the current value of the field
sub subtract the value passed as arg to the current value of the field
add_percent add the `X` percent to the current value
sub_percent subtract the `X` percent from the current value
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swap invert (negate) the current value
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swap invert (negate) the current value
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change domain set the domain (@?????) to common value
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change domain set the protocol (????://) to common value
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