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.. seealso:: Are you looking for the :ref:export_as_csv action? .

.. function:: adminactions.api.export_as_csv

Exports a queryset as csv from a queryset with the given fields.

.. _csv_defaults:


.. warning:: Due a mistake the default configuration of export_as_csv is not csv but semicolon-csv


csv_options_default = {'date_format': 'd/m/Y',
                       'datetime_format': 'N j, Y, P',
                       'time_format': 'P',
                       'header': False,
                       'quotechar': '"',
                       'quoting': csv.QUOTE_ALL,
                       'delimiter': ';',
                       'escapechar': '\\', }

Usage examples

Returns :class:~django:django.http.HttpResponse::

response = export_as_csv(User.objects.all())

Write to file

.. code-block:: python

>>> users = export_as_csv(User.objects.all(), out=open('users.csv', 'w'))
>>> users.close()

Write to buffer

.. code-block:: python

>>> users = export_as_csv(User.objects.all(), out=StringIO())
>>> with open('users.csv', 'w') as f:

.. _export_with_callable:

Export with callable

.. code-block:: python

>>> fields = ['username', 'get_full_name']
>>> export_as_csv(User.objects.all(), fields=fields, out=sys.stdout)
"sax";"FirstName 9 LastName 9"
"user_0";"FirstName 0 LastName 0"
"user_1";"FirstName 1 LastName 1"

.. _export_with_dictionaries:

Export with dictionaries

.. code-block:: python

>>> fields = ['codename', 'content_type__app_label']
>>> qs = Permission.objects.filter(codename='add_user').values('codename', 'content_type__app_label')
>>> __ = export_as_csv(qs, fields=fields, out=sys.stdout)

.. _api_export_as_xls:


.. versionadded:: 0.3

Exports a queryset as csv from a queryset with the given fields.

.. _api_merge:


.. seealso:: See :ref:merge action for additional notes.

Merge 'other' into master.

    ``fields`` is a list of fieldnames that must be read from ``other`` to put into master.
    If ``fields`` is None ``master`` will get all the ``other`` values except primary_key.
    Finally ``other`` will be deleted and master will be preserved

Custom validation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If you need to disable validation for some fields, it is possible to set parameter merge_form to a subclass of :class:adminactions.merge.MergeForm and change the validation there.

.. code-block:: python

class CompanyMergeForm(merge.MergeForm):
    class Meta:
        model = models.Company
        fields = "__all__"

    def full_clean(self):
        if 'address_psc' in self._errors:
            del self._errors['address_psc']

class CompanyAdmin(city_admin_mixin_generator(admin.ModelAdmin):
    form = CompanyForm
    merge_form = CompanyMergeForm

.. _get_export_as_csv_filename: .. _get_export_as_fixture_filename: .. _get_export_delete_tree_filename: .. _filename_callbacks:

Filename callbacks

To use custom names for yours exports simply implements get_export_<TYPE>_filename in your Modeladmin class, these must return a string that will be used as filename in the SaveAs dialog box of the browser


.. code-block:: python

class UserAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    def get_export_as_csv_filename(request, queryset):
        if 'isadmin' in request.GET
            return 'administrators.csv'
            return 'all_users.csv'

Available callbacks:

  • get_export_as_csv_filename
  • get_export_as_fixture_filename
  • get_export_delete_tree_filename


.. autofunction:: adminactions.utils.clone_instance .. autofunction:: adminactions.utils.get_field_by_path .. autofunction:: adminactions.utils.get_field_value .. autofunction:: adminactions.utils.get_verbose_name .. autofunction:: adminactions.actions.add_to_site


.. autofunction:: adminactions.templatetags.actions.verbose_name .. autofunction:: adminactions.templatetags.actions.field_display