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|app| provides the following signals:


Sent when the action is requested (ie click 'Go' in the admin changelist view). The handler can raise a :ref:actioninterrupted to interrupt the action's execution. The handler can rely on the following parameter:


from adminactions.signals import adminaction_requested

def myhandler(sender, action, request, queryset, modeladmin, **kwargs):
    if action == 'mass_update' and queryset.filter(locked==True).exists():
        raise ActionInterrupted('Queryset cannot contains locked records')

adminaction_requested.connect(myhandler, sender=MyModel, action='mass_update`)


Sent after the form has been validated (ie click 'Apply' in the action Form), just before the execution of the action. The handler can raise a :ref:actioninterrupted to avoid the stop execution. The handler can rely on the following parameter:

  • sender: :class:django:django.db.models.Model
  • action: string. name of the action
  • request: :class:django:django.core.httpd.HttpRequest
  • queryset: :class:django:django.db.models.query.Queryset
  • modeladmin: :class:django:django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
  • form: :class:django:django.forms.Form


from adminactions.signals import adminaction_start

def myhandler(sender, action, request, queryset, modeladmin, form, **kwargs):
    if action == 'export' and 'money' in form.cleaned_data['columns']:
        if not request.user.is_administrator:
            raise ActionInterrupted('Only administrors can export `money` field')

adminaction_start.connect(myhandler, sender=MyModel, action='export`)


Sent after the successfully execution of the action. The handler can rely on the following parameter:

  • sender: :class:django:django.db.models.Model
  • action: string. name of the action
  • request: :class:django:django.core.httpd.HttpRequest
  • queryset: :class:django:django.db.models.query.Queryset
  • modeladmin: :class:django:django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin
  • form: :class:django:django.forms.Form
  • errors: dict
  • updated: int