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This decorator transform any ModelAdmin method to a view and add a button to the Admin objects toolbar.


from admin_extra_buttons.api import ExtraButtonsMixin, button

class MyModelAdmin(ExtraButtonsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    def refresh_all(self, request):
        # your business logic here
        self.message_user(request, 'refresh called')
        # do not return HttpResponse(), so user will be redirected to the original page

    def scan(self, request):
        return HttpResponse("Done")  # return specific response

    def scan(self, request):
        if request.method == 'POST':
            return TemplateResponse()


AEB try to understand if a button should appear in the change_form and/or in the change_list page. If the decorated method has only one argument (es. def scan(self, request)), the button will only be visible on the change_list page, if it contains more that one argumente (es. def scan(self, request, pk)) the button will be visible in the change_form page.


change_form: None : set to True do show the button on the change_form page If set to None (default), use method signature to display the button

change_list: None : set to True do show the button on the change_list page If set to None (default), use method signature to display the button

disable_on_click: True : automatically disable button on click() to prevent unintentional double processing

disable_on_edit: True : automatically disable button when any FORM in page is modified

enabled: True : bool or callable to set enable status

html_attrs: {} : Dictionary of html tags to use in button rendering.

label: decorated method name : button label

visible: True : bool or callable show/hide button


id is automacally set if not provided, class is updated/set based on disable_on_click and disable_on_edit values

label: decorated method name : button label

pattern: <function_name>/<path:arg1>/<path:arg2>/.... : url pattern to use for the url genaration.

permission: None : Django permission code needed to access the view and display the button



Simplest usage. Display a button and create a view on admin/mymodel/scan.

class MyModelAdmin(ExtrButtonsMixi, admin.ModelAdmin):

    def scan(self, request):

Check Permissions

Buttons with custom permission, one for change_list and other for change_form

class MyModelAdmin(ExtrButtonsMixi, admin.ModelAdmin):

    @button(permission=lambda request, obj: request.user.is_superuser)
    def delete_all(self, request):

    def mark(self, request, pk):
        obj = self.get_object(request, pk)
        obj.mark = True

Buttons with custom permission, one for change_list and other for change_form

class MyModelAdmin(ExtrButtonsMixi, admin.ModelAdmin):

    @button(permission=lambda request, obj: request.user.is_superuser,
            html_attrs={'style': 'background-color:var(--button-bg)'},
            label=_('Delete All Records'),
    def delete_all(self, request):

    @button(permission=lambda request, obj: request.user.is_superuser,
            html_attrs={'style': 'background-color:var(--button-bg)'},
            enabled=lambda btn: btn.original.status == SUCCESS,
            label=_('Delete All Records'),
    def toggle(self, request, pk):