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This decorator allows "grouping" different @view() decorated methods under the same HTML <select>


from admin_extra_buttons.api import ExtraButtonsMixin, choice, view

class MyModelAdmin(ExtraButtonsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    def menu1(self, button):
        button.choices = [self.test1, self.test2]

    def test1(self, request):
        self.message_user(request, "You have selected test1")

    def test2(self, request, pk):
        context = self.get_common_context(request, pk)
        self.message_user(request, f"You have selected test22 on {context['original']}")
        return TemplateResponse(request, "demo/test22.html", context)


change_form: True : display the button on the change_form page

change_list: True : display the button on the change_list page

enabled: True : bool or callable to set enable status

html_attrs: {} : Dictionary of html tags to use in button rendering

label: decorated method name : button label

visible: True : bool or callable show/hide button


context : TemplateContext from the Django template as at the moment of rendering


Complex Configuration

class MyModelAdmin(ExtraButtonsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

    @choice(label="Menu #1",
            html_attrs={'target': '_new', 'style': 'background-color:var(--button-bg)'})
    def menu1(self, button):
        original = button.original
        button.label = f"Search '{}' on Google"
        if button.requst.user.is_superuser: 
            button.choices = [self.feat1, self.feat2, self.feat3, self.feat4]
            button.choices = [self.feat1, self.feat2]

    def feat1(self, request):
        self.message_user(request, "You have selected Feature #1")

    def feat2(self, request):
        return TemplateResponse(request, "demo/feat2.html", context)

    @view(permission=lambda request, obj: request.user.is_superuser)
    def feat3(self, request):
        return HttpResponse("You have selected Feature #3")

    @view(permission=lambda request, obj: request.user.is_superuser)
    def feat3(self, request):
        self.message_user(request, "You have selected Feature #3")