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Use this decorator if you want to create links to external resources or if you already have the required view.


@link() buttons by defaults are visible both on change_list and change_form pages


from admin_extra_buttons.api import ExtraButtonsMixin, link

class MyModelAdmin(ExtraButtonsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    @link(href="", change_form=False)
    def google(self, button):

    @link(href=None, change_list=False)
    def search_on_google(self, button):
        button.label = f"Search '{}' on Google"
        button.href = f"{}"


change_form: True : display the button on the change_form page

change_list: True : display the button on the change_list page

href: """ : HTML href attribute value

enabled: True : bool or callable to set enable status

html_attrs: {} : Dictionary of html tags to use in button rendering

label: decorated method name : button label

visible: True : bool or callable show/hide button


context : TemplateContext from the Django template as at the moment of rendering


Dynamic Configuration

class MyModelAdmin(ExtraButtonsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

    @link(href=None, change_list=False)
    def search_on_google(self, button):
        button.label = f"Search '{}' on Google"
        button.href = f"{}"
class MyModelAdmin(ExtraButtonsMixin, admin.ModelAdmin):

      html_attrs={'target': '_new', 'style': 'background-color:var(--button-bg)'})
def search_on_google(self, button):
    button.label = f"Search '{}' on Google"
    button.href = f"{}"